Enter Indonesia.travel's Trip Planner (BETA); the site's newest feature for travelers to share your travel plans and stories. As applied to every Web 2.0 site with user-generated content, the site's going to need your participation and feedback. Thus, this "contest" is actually an invitation for travel enthusiasts to participate. And we're going to hand out prizes to appreciate the most active and helpful/relevant users.
The prizes would be your own trip in Indonesia, paid by the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism.*
Everyone is eligible to participate, except the employees of the Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism. So register now at http://trip.indonesia.travel and start sharing!
Contest Details
1) There are three categories, with one winner each:
a. Amazing Indonesia Under US$1,000 (in English)
b. Wisata Impian di Bawah Rp10 Juta (in Indonesian)
c. Most Active User (in English or Indonesian)
2) Go to http://trip.indonesia.travel
3) Register
4) Create a Trip (you can choose any names for your trips. As long as it's under US$1,000 and in English, it's eligible to be evaluated for Amazing Indonesia. And if it's under Rp10 millions and in Indonesian, it's eligible to be evaluated for Wisata Impian.)
5) Share it!
6) (Optional) If you have a blog, you can write about your trip in in more details and link it to your Trip Planner plan/journal.
7) Send feedbacks (or error reports) to rep.indonesiatravel AT gmail DOT com, with the subject "Trip Planner Feedback"
8) The "contest" starts on 15 November 2009 and ends on 14 December 2009.
9) (Optional) Follow us on Twitter! @indtravel
Winning Evaluation
For Amazing Indonesia Under US$1,000 and Wisata Impian di Bawah Rp10 Juta, we're going to evaluate from participants' travel plans or journals and select one winner (each) who writes the most interesting trip idea (plan) or shares the most interesting trip experiences (journal). This will be based on:
- The number of users who picked the trip as favorites
- The number of users who copied the trip for their own itineraries
- Whether the trip is logically accurate in the real world (for example, a trip which involves going from Jakarta to Raja Ampat Island in fifteen minutes is only logical in science fiction)
- Whether the trip actually costs less than US1,000 (excluding the roundtrip fares from abroad to Indonesia and formalities expenses like visa etc.) As a guide, if you want your trip to be eligible for the contest, starts from an Indonesian entry point and ends to the same or another entry point. (Ex: starts from Jakarta and ends in Jakarta. Or starts in Batam and ends in Bali, etc.)
- Whether the trip is the participant's original idea/experience. If she/he copies it from another user, the original writer will be more eligible to win, unless the trip is modified/adapted to involve different destinations.
For Most Active/Helpful User, the winner will be picked based on:
- The number of trip ideas/journals the participant shared
- The number of useful feedbacks or error reports
- The number of linkbacks to relevant content on http://trip.indonesia.travel or http://indonesia.travel from the participant's blog (will need to confirm if the blog owner is the same user in Trip Planner)
Winners can choose any of his trip ideas which is eligibly under $US1,000 as a prize. The Indonesian Ministry of Culture and Tourism will then make it come true by reserving an itinerary to match it. Participants can also choose another user's trip idea by copying it. As long as the Ministry has confirmed that the trip is under US$1,000 (with the abovementioned condition, that the trip will not include roundtrip fares from/to overseas).
For more details, send an email to rep.indonesiatravel AT gmail DOT com. Include the keywords "Trip Planner" in your subject.
2 komentar:
I'm late just know it today...
is there any time expansion for the contest?
We're so sorry, we can not accept registrations for this contest, right now. But if there is another contest, we will tell you as soon as possible. thank you for trying to separately support the advancement of tourism Indonesia.
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