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May 17, 2009

Indonesia still free from H1N1 flu

Indonesia remains free from the H1N1 strain of influenza type A, Health Minister Siti Fadilah Supari said Saturday.

"The results of tests conducted on blood samples of three people suspected to have been infected with flu virus were negative," she told Antara state news agency.

Previously, three people -- an Indonesian worker in East Java who had just returned from Taiwan, a journalist from China covering the annual meeting of the ADB in Bali, and an expatriate from Australia -- were suspected of being infected with the H1N1 flu virus.

"The health conditions of the three people have improved. The Australian national admitted to Sulianti Saroso Hospital has also recovered and has been allowed to return home," the minister said.

Supari added the government would continue to monitor and stay alert for any possible cases of the infectious disease by preparing health services infrastructure and facilities, medication and paramedics.

"We are ready with various anticipatory efforts and vigilant plans to face a possible swine flu pandemic. The H5N1 [bird flu] extraordinary incident alert status has not yet been lifted, so we still have the needed facilities."

She added the government was also reinforcing the capacity of health posts at ports (KKP) to monitor people coming into the country from overseas in an effort to have an early detection of the H1N1 flu.

Supari said the government had set up 80 KKPs, of which 25 were situated at international gateways.

At such KKPs, thermal detectors have been installed and health alert cards have been handed out to foreigners, while clinics, paramedics, isolation rooms, self-protector devices and medicine have also been prepared.

The government has also prepared 100 reference hospitals that previously served as reference hospitals for bird flu patients, as well as laboratories for sample examinations.

Source: The Jakarta Post

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